
The KCHEF Education Program

According to a recent study reported in the Stanford Social Innovation Review, adults who had received charitable sponsorship as children are:

One-third more likely to finish high school.

More likely to complete more than a year of additional education.

35% more likely to have a professional job.

Supporting Now Means Self-reliance For the Future

The Rwenzori Region is home to 15,000 to 20,000 orphans, many living in families headed by siblings in their early teens, and other vulnerable children. Supporting and guiding these young people until they are self-sufficient and able join the community as contributing adults is essential for the future of the region.

Your Donation Has a Lasting Impact

KCHEF follows a holistic model in which donations enable coordinated health care, emotional, and social support, as well as school fees to children.

  • The current cost for annual support of an individual child, including fees, books, clothing, health care, and the staff of two to oversee the program is $500.
  • More than 170 children are now enrolled in our education program. 54% are girls, 46% boys.
  • More than 220 KCHEF students have graduated in different disciplines from universities in Uganda. Several have returned to KCHEF as medical professionals and other staff members.

KCHEF’s holistic approach to funding the education program secures not only committed donors for education fees, but also oversees children’s health care, home life, and social development by our own leadership and staff.